So Here are 10 action words for "maintaining your mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic".

  • Don't Panic:

It's normal to be afraid of threat to life but too much fear can impede a person's ability to think rationally.

  •  Talk about your worries

Remember a problem shared is a problem half solved. Family time in my story was for sharing our fears about the pandemic. Health wise and financially . And if you can't share them with family, share with friends.

  •  Remain calm:

Some situations are outside our control but we still have to deal with them in a calm and rational manner. This can also help people around us stay calm. This is one tip that has helped with clients when they are on the panicky side. Staying calm can help the person beside you get the vibe to stay calm.

  •  Be responsible:

NCDC sends us messages everyday reminding us to be responsible. This is important in a pandemic because the actions of one person affects others. Observe preventive instructions like washing your hands regularly and cleaning surfaces. And maintain physical distance from people.

  • Physical health:

Eat healthy and Exercise. Exercise indoors and sometimes outdoors while abiding with the social distancing rule.

  • Family time:

Call family and friends, stay connected. Maintain a weekly plan and engage in useful activities together. One of the peculiarities of Covid 19 is that it has drastically impacted our social life. So decide on a minimum and keep to it.

  • Manage information:

Know the facts about covid 19 from reputable sources. Prevent the passing of false information around the family.  But limit the amount of time used to watch covid related news.

  • Do away with unhealthy habits:

Like the use of psychoactive substances. Avoid the use of alcohol and other drugs to kill boredom. Set new goals. Achieving them gives a sense of control and purpose.

  • Don't stigmatize:

Avoid stigmatizing people who have been diagnosed with covid. 
Call and show them love

And lastly, For those who have lost jobs, he suggests looking up interest inventories -- questionnaires that ask you to rate your enjoyment and interest in a wide variety of activities -- to explore career options.

 â€œYou can figure out the kinds of things that you’re good at and start getting a sense of what your next steps might be."

A very important aspect of mental health are the things to avoid to maintain optimal mental health especially during this period.

  • Avoid information overload

Seriously, you don't need to join all the WhatsApp groups, do all the courses, attend all the webinars. It will only lead to unnecessary pressure and stress on yourself. Enrol only for the one that pertains to you. I had to leave a lot of group pages at a time when I realised I was in too many unnecessary groups.

  •  Avoid the wrong forms of Escapism

What are you doing to "escape" from this Corona period? Is it wanton catching "cruise" with the opposite sex or going back to a toxic relationship just because of boredom and loneliness or abusing substances such as cigarettes, weed or watching pornography? 

Stop It

They will affect your mental health negatively. They're maladaptive ways to cope this period or any other!

  •  Avoid Comparison

We all at one time or the other compare ourselves to others who we think are doing great things, who have amassed certificates upon certificates. For the sake of your mental health, stop the comparison. It will only put undue pressure and stress on you. Go at your own pace but not totally lagging behind though.