Why heartbreak again?? *Sigh* it is the one of a dreadful occurrences in some relationship. I can relate to you taking a long while before getting to another or prolly not anytime soon or even not anymore.

As I keep saying, relationship is communication, this two dependent variables work together. If one is not 💯% the other cannot make up for it alone.
I use to believe that once I experience heartbreak, my life is crumbled and tumbled upside down. I felt it, my emotions we're shattered and this notion has been on for a while, but overtime, i realized that it wasnt me helping at all, this was what I hoped and lived on. At this point, the aftermath of it is how well have I handled and managed my heartbreaks.

 If you interested to know, I have had a few, how did I feel, I was hurt, my emotions rolling out, yes! Did I promise never to go into another, of course! I did, did I feel weight of loneliness, haha!!! That one is normal, loss of appetite? Lolss yes!! Did I cry? Before nko!... Many more questions to being heartbroken..

A pause here!! Have you asked how I managed it? There are few guides that worked out for me... You might look through and possibly not all would soothe but am sure a point or two would::(^^)

1. Be open minded
2. Never give 💯% of emotions, don't over love. 
3. Get a hold of your emotions.
4. Be aware that you cannot satisfy all times.
5. Discover your solace.
6. Take yourself out
7. Learn from it and be positive minded.
8. Do not be alone, accompany yourself with friends. 
9. Don't overthink (depression is real).
10. Work your way to getting over it.
Trust me, these few steps are not easy path to tread, but for your health and emotional well-being, and you should just key to the fact that, not all things or everyone in your life has to stay for ever. Some must have to go. 
