It is the sincere wish of everyone to be successful in what he or she does. Academic success is what every learner strives for, no matter the perceived importance of the success in future. Some students claim it's so difficult to study, especially during times of academic evaluation.

I can arguably and controversially acclaim that it is attainable for every student to be an academic success. I have been through some aspects of this and I can categorically say that it is not always easy but it is achievable. First Class students are not made for first class from birth, neither are third class students made for that level from birth, it is just about some keys being discovered and adequate steps taken to bring them into practice, irrespectively of your course of study.

 Some students do say, "We are not brilliant, high scores are for people that get them." Having made this one of their favorite sayings and belief, they make malpractices of all sorts a preferred option.  

Now, a question you should consider answering is "does my brain deliver whenever I put it into test and execution of certain tasks?" 

If yes, then it would be more than effective to perform this task of engaging it in reading diligently. If no, it would be more than willing to perform the task, just a trial is needed!. An average adult's brain is estimated to be able to store trillions of bytes of information. This perception can be literally linked to the storage of electronic devices, so, you can imagine how effective and efficient the brain can be. It is not just to be underutilized!.

Here are some of the keys to be an academic success irrespective of your course of study: 

  • Be determined and focused.
  • Schedule the way you manage your time well and be consistent (An hour or a certain number of hours can be chosen depending on your discretion and schedule to study, but most importantly, be truthful to yourself in observing this)
  • Be inquisitive and pay rapt attention to lectures given.
  • Choose the right type of friends that are equally success oriented.
  • Never be complacent with what you know. Strive to know more, seek for explanation from more intelligent individuals.
  • Don't wait till the evaluation period is imminent before you start getting familiar with what have been taught.
  • Make more personal findings or readings. It gives you an edge above others.
  • Never shy away from brainstorming to solve difficult academic areas that tend to give many headache.
  • Understand your assimilating capacity and figure out how well you can be consistent with your reading to match that capacity.
  • Believe in God to always guide and take preeminence of your academic struggles. 
     It is much better to be self reliant than being faced with the risk of expulsion. 

You can do it!            Yes, you can!.