1. Groom yourself and Dress nicely: Portrait yourself to others in a manner that creates a desired impression. So consider these if you want to project a professional image for yourself. When you groom yourself and dress well, you are saying decision makers take me serious because I am serious.  They would definitely buy the packaging before they see the real you. By grooming yourself, it is amazing how much difference shower, shave and a little perfume can make in your feeling of self-confidence and for your self-image. Dressing nicely doesn’t mean wearing 50,000 blazer suit or expensive shoes. It’s all about wearing something that fit your outing and your personality. If you dress nice, you will feel good about yourself. You will feel successful, presentable and ready to tackle the world.
  2.   Get to know yourself: Discover your strengths and weaknesses. To overcome your weaknesses, identify it and apply principles to overcome it. Dig deep within yourself, and you’ll come out (eventually) with even greater self-confidence.
  3.  Photoshop your self-image: what image are you creating for yourself? Our self-image means so much to us, more than we often realize. People see us the way we see ourselves. Self- image is the reflection of how we see ourselves and how we portrait ourselves for others to see.  We create a mental picture of ourselves and this goes a long way to determine our self-confidence. .  However, this mental picture might a true reflection of us or a false one. But this picture isn’t fixed and immutable. You can change it. Use your mental Photo shopping skills, and work on your self-image. If it’s not a very good one, change it. Figure out why you see yourself that way, and find a way to fix it.
  4.  Think positive and Act positive: You have to learn to be aware of your self-talk, the thoughts you have about yourself and what you’re doing. You can learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones by learning how to recognize negative talk and soon you will learn the trick that change everything in your life. Also try to imagine negative thoughts as bug and vigilantly lookout for these bugs. When you caught one, stomp on it (mentally of course) and squash it. Kill it dead. Then replace it with positive one. However, it one thing to think positive, it is another thing to act on it. Action, actually, is the key to developing self- confidence.  Act in a positive way, talk to people in a positive way, put in energy into your actions. You will soon start to notice a difference.
  5.     Be grateful: Life can be understood backward, but it must be lived forward. So look backward with gratitude and look forward with confidence. You might be thinking your life has not been perfect the way you wanted but when you look around, you would notice that your life is more perfect than others around you. I’m a firm believer in gratitude because being grateful of what you have in life and for what others have given you, is a very humbling activity. It can also be a very positive and rewarding activity that will improve your self-image.
  6.   Get prepared:  Remember the self-confidence you have whenever you are well prepared for an exam. It shows in our before entering the exam hall. Likewise if you haven’t studied, you won’t have much confidence in your abilities to do well on the exam. Now think of life as your exam and prepare for it. One important key to success is self-confidence. A key to self-confidence is preparation. – Arthur Ashe
  7.      Do something you fear or you’ve been procrastinating on:  The way to develop self- confidence is to do something you fear to do or procrastinating and get a record of successful experience behind you. Note that when trying something for the first time, it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. It is means you are new to it and you don’t know what the outcome will be at the end.  Doing something is almost always better than not doing anything. Of course, doing something could lead to mistakes … but mistakes are a part of life. It’s how we learn. Without mistakes, we’d never get better. So don’t worry about those. Just do something. Probably it is a huge project or tasks, instead of been overwhelmed or intimidated while don’t you just break it down into small chunks. Small little achievements make you feel good, and they add up to big achievements. Learn to work like this all the time, and soon you’ll be a self-confident maniac.
  8. Empower yourself with knowledge: your level of knowledge determine your level of confidence. When you know your onion and you are well crafted in your act, there will be no room for inferiority complex or lack of self-confidence. Empowering yourself, in general, is one of the best strategies for building self-confidence. Acquiring knowledge is the surest way to building self-confidence. The more knowledgeable you are, the more confident you will become and you become more knowledgeable by doing research and studying. The internet is a great tool for learning likewise books, seminars, magazines and educational institutions.
  9.     Be organized: Being organized, works wonder a lot. This one little thing can clear all doubt from your mind and give you inner peace that you are ready for any given task.  When you are disorganized and everything around you look messy, doubt begin to set in as you will be in more confused state. This put you under unnecessary pressure that lower your self-confidence.
  10.  Learn effective communication: learn to listen so as to know what next to say. Another effective way is to speak slowly. Have you ever wondered why people in authority, with authority, speak slowly? It shows confidence. A person who feels that he isn’t worth listening to will speak quickly, because he doesn’t want to keep others waiting on something not worthy of listening to. Even if you don’t feel the confidence of someone who speaks slowly, try doing it a few times. It will make you feel more confident. Of course, don’t take it to an extreme, but just don’t sound rushed either.