MASTER the ART of your DOINGS!! 

I Know what you thinking!! Why do I do this? What have I done? These are few questions among others which comes to mind .... Beware, Its inevitable to finding ourselves into one thing or the other, some could reflect as to why, while others might not to why they do these things. I want you to know that nothing happens in this world without a Reason, do you hear me? No matter how bad, embarrassing, annoying, good, frustrating, ashaming whatever it is that words would describe such experience(s). *Don't feel condemned* #betterdaysahead

The optimum  is that you are the boss and must MASTER the ART of your DOINGS either you are being compelled, forced or otherwise. You possibly enact what you do with your own (sub)/consciousness that's basically what it covers,  there are factors that results to you mastering the art of your doings are: friends, environment, family, socio economic, political and other coherent factors. And trust me it is 20% to 100% if you get favourable with them. 

If not, devise your means to enable you gain mastery the art of your doings. Read books, the Bible, talk with friends, run a checklist for yourself, just do what it takes thats suitable for you. 

In all know that God loves you, ask Him to help you Master the ART of your DOINGS.
