1 friends and family
2. Facebook groups and page
3. Advertisement or your status
4. YouTube videos
5. Nairaland
If you know you know.
Minimum payout is N5,000 naira threshold
Withdrawal form is opened from 1st of the month to early morning 25th of every month while we start payout from 27th till the end of the month.
you earn a huge 62.5% affiliate commission (1k per referral). I mean you earn N1,000 per each of your friends and family you introduce to NNU community. How sweet?
NNu also pay you for reading, sharing, commenting and posting. It is far better than other stingy site like nairaland, lindaikeji and others
I will be giving out the first 10 persons to register between now and Saturday the greatest trick to earn more on NNu. Don't forget to use the link below. If you register I will know, NNu will give me your details directly to my account.
*(1). Login Daily & Get Paid (₦50 x 30 days = ₦1,500*
*(2). Earn ₦100 by Posting NEWS and get admin approval, you get paid for it. ₦100 x 30= ₦3000*
*(3). Commenting and contributing on the post, you get paid for it. 2# per comment .*
*( 4). Earn 100 by sharing a sponsored post on your timeline. 100 x 30 = 3000*
*(5). NAP: As an affiliate, you earn ₦1,000 per referral if you decide to inform anyone like your friends and family to join. e.g ₦1,000 x 10persons =₦10,000 Per day. IT'S OPTIONAL NOT MANDATORY.*.
One Time Registration
Fee Is ₦1,600 Only.
For those yet to register 

1600 should not be the reason
Why you wont receive alert this month

hurry up and register with that #1600 in ur account and get paid by month end