As we all know that it is not that easy to cater for all our expenses during our stay in campus with the little or more received from our parent.starting a business right in your campus is the only way out to satisfy our demanding from relatives and friends can never be enough to satisfy your needs,such as transport fee,accommodation,school fee,levy from associations,books,feeding etc. I just look and have self pity on those who are not willing to come out of their unending poverty,student that are lazy and never ready to learn new skills,student who are waiting for jamb to give them admission,student that use all their time to watch season films.
             Nigeria universities will never teach you how to catch your own fish but it only teaches you how to eat that fish.If you ask most Nigeria students what do you want to become in future they only tell you this and that; working for a big are just a slave to the owner of that big company you dream of working for in the future.why don't you just think and dream of yourself investing and employing 20,000 people or more,all this start right from the campus.speaking to a lot of successful student who had launch their business in their respective campus,all they have to say is that it takes courage,your time,your passion and a little capital to start a successful business in your campus.Even though you don't have capital start with what u have.Nobody will ever wake up and end up being a rich person.Never overlook or belittle the little you have.for example Jesus used five loaves of bread and fishes to feed 5000 thousand people.Also remember God created Eve from just one rib of Adam.when you plant a maize seed it grow into plenty,this can only happen only when you believe in what you are and what you have.Taylor Christina a 100lvl student of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife,partner with her roommate in starting a pure water business.she started with just one bag of pure water,in the first day they didn't sale that much,Taylor's friend was discouraged and wanted to end the business they started but Taylor brought a great idea,she said why don't we go out to advertise this product of ours in our hostel and other hostels,when they did this,it was not less than 2min when d 1st bag finished,her friend was happy and encourage at the end of the day they sold 20 bags of cold water.what am i trying to prove here with the little u have, u can do wonder once people are aware.
                Listed below are business you can do in your campus;web design,catering,event planing,cartoonist,holiday coaching,lesson teacher,CD burning,saling of phone and laptop,wrist watches,shoes,designer wear,business center operator,cafe attendant,adult coaching,blogging,films marketing,music from your laptop,phone repairer,restaurant,food supplying, (computer,electrical engineer),instrumentalist,car wash,dry cleaner,perfumes and lot more,
                If you need more of this business that will fetch you more money than the ones list above like my facebook page Ff us on NikkymF. If you would like to partner with us on writing about business,health,scholarship,celeb gist,sport.stories,jokes and more,please you can call me on this 08020968903 or  message me;